Sean Hayes – Before We Turn To Dust

by Allie Wall
August 17, 2012

The first line of the title track off singer-songwriter Sean Hayes’ new album, "Before We Turn to Dust” reads, “you may spend all your money before you turn to dust/but you will never spend all your love”, a simple, yet eloquent line that sets the vibe and lyrically-rich tunes that comprise Hayes’ seventh full length album.

The San Francisco-based musician does not fail to impress with simplistic lyrics laced with raw emotion and soulful beats, perfectly enhanced by the occasional horn or piano. Small details, like the horns and back up female vocals, are what make this album not only highly listenable, but convey an intimacy from Hayes to his audience that leaves you wanting more.

From the melodic start to “Before We Turn to Dust” to the upbeat, head swaying feel of the third track, “Bam Bam” and into the soul-filled, sexy, R&B smoothness of “Drop Down”, Hayes has created a musically-loaded, cohesive and tireless album. “To Be Born”, filled with funk and an up-tempo element backed by the horns, adds an undeniable richness to Hayes’ classic songwriting. The beautiful, harmonious female vocals on the last track of the disc, “Innocent Spring”, mixed with Hayes’ own vibrato, perfectly rounds out the album; bringing it full circle with yet another lyrically full tune that impressively conveys the emotion and incontestable work that Hayes has put in.

The seventh album by the American singer-songwriter is one that does not fail in the songwriting aspect that Hayes listeners have come to expect, but the soulful, and at times funky and groove-able tunes that can be found throughout the album will undoubtedly excite new listeners and Hayes followers alike.