Join Mike Flanagan on the last hour of his show on Friday for a retrospective listen to some great New Year's songs that commemorate the past when it was still the future! New Year's is a hopeful time, so thought Blind Lemon Jefferson in 1929. Mike's "New Year's Revolution" is a holiday musical expedition set for the heart of everybody's favorite midnight party. What is a Lang Syne? And how Auld is it? What do Bing Crosby and Death Cab for Cutie have in common? Do New Year's Resolutions really work? Is the best New Year's duet of all time sung by Otis Redding and Carla Thomas? These and other timely questions are answered in this full hour celebration of New Year's music. Old blues classics like Smokey Hogg's "New Year's Eve Blues" from 1948, a New Year's Eve 1970 appearance by Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, an absolute wacko resolution romp with Spike Jones and the City Slickers and much much more. The genres melt into each other, the human condition gets a good going over, and we all resolve to be better next year! Don't miss "New Year's Revolution" Friday, December 30 at 5PM.