It's no wonder the nation has Magic Mania! Magic Cyclops stopped by the OpenAir performance studio to play a few songs and chat about his national prime-time television debut; the Aspen auditions episode of American Idol, which aired on January 25th. No doubt his audition was unlike any the judges had seen before! Rumor has it, this was the first time the judges had ever WALKED OUT of an audition.
Not familiar with the artist? Magic Cyclops is the Hulk Hogan-loving, mullet-wearing, British accent-speaking, synthesizer-playing, songs about unicorns-singing, Davenport, Iowa by way of Phil Collins, Colorado-living and all around underground hero of the Denver music scene!
He's played clubs and venues all over the country for more than a decade. in August Magic announced he'd be hanging up his iconic bandana and retiring from making people laugh. In an interesting twist of fate the Magic Cyclops character was resurrected for one last performance...an American Idol audition.
Don't worry, the jokes on the judges, not Magic. He had the OpenAIr staff in stitches as he played us a few tracks and chatted with Alisha. Listen to his full OpenAir studio session below. We believe in Magic!
[BONUS: Magic made an American Idol Magic Cyclops paper doll you can print out and make yourself!]