In the days leading up to this year's Record Store Day on April 19, the OpenAir hosts will share the story of their first-ever record purchases, however memorable or misguided they may have been. First up is program director and afternoon host Mike Flanagan.
We want to know what your first record was too! Be sure to enter the Record Store Day contest on our Facebook page by telling us your first ever record purchase (vinyl, CD, digital, or whatever!), and you could win a brand new record player and a collection of vinyl records!

First record ever owned is probably "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" that my mother actually took off the machine and broke after however many spins I could give it in a two hour period, my first experience with hot rotation a major fail. (I managed to hide "Never Smile at a Crocodile" from Disney's "Peter Pan" so that it would avoid the same fate.)