CPR and KRCC: Serving Southern Colorado
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more of the Southern Colorado story in 2022.
This feature was created by our membership department at Colorado Public Radio, which is solely responsible for the content. CPR News editors and reporters were not involved in its creation and no editorial judgment should be inferred.
A news report alleges Colorado Springs placed an undercover officer within activist groups. Here’s what we know (and don’t).

A recent report in the Colorado Springs Independent says the Colorado Springs Police Department allegedly placed an undercover officer inside some social activist organizations in the city and a community hub called the Chinook Center. According to the Indy, the investigation reportedly began within the context of the Black Lives Matter movement protests in the summer of 2020 and continued until July 2021. KRCC's Abigail Beckman sat down with reporter Heidi Beedle to learn more about the report and its implications.
- Jennifer, Evergreen Member from Colorado SpringsPublic radio is like the library in radio form and I love both! I constantly get to hear new music, differing opinions, and creative content that I might not otherwise hear. Public radio educates me and helps me to make informed choices as well as keeping me involved in our local and state community. Thank you for all you air!
Air Force Academy cadets used to learn military strategy in classrooms. Now they’re using war-gaming flight simulators

"Flight simulators are not new to the academy grounds, though in the past their use was focused on teaching cadets the basic principles of flying aircraft. And the Air Force has been using some form of flight simulators since the 1950s, when computers and other technology made it possible to simulate the real-life cockpits inside airplanes. Today, the Air Force even uses virtual reality to train pilots.
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-Florence, Evergreen Member from FlorenceI am donating because I appreciate the balanced and fair news reporting, and the local reporting on issues that involve our state. I also appreciate the stimulating, interesting, and humorous programs on the weekend that accompany me through sometimes tedious chores, which get done much more quickly because my brain is kept active by listening.
- David, Evergreen Member from Colorado SpringsFact-based journalism. Thoughtful commentary. No drama or hyperbole.
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CPR’s public media service is uniquely positioned to deliver meaningful news, music and cultural experiences that use the power of the human voice in all its form.
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As we invest even more resources to build local communities and ground us all in more shared experiences, your support of CPR will strengthen our service to Southern Colorado and beyond. Thank you for being part such a special part of our CPR family.
One more story before you go...

Looking Back On 200 Years Of The Santa Fe Trail — One Of The Earliest Paths Into Southeast Colorado
2021 marked the 200th anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail as a major commercial route across the Great Plains.
It stretched more than 800 miles between the Missouri River and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Bent’s Old Fort near La Junta in Southeastern Colorado was an important stop along the trail. It’s now a National Historic Site.
KRCC’s Shanna Lewis spoke with Park Ranger Jake Koch about the trail’s history.