What You’re Telling Us About A Possible Raise In Colorado’s Minimum Wage

Photo: Smartphone Texting Close Up (Flickr/CC)
Credit: Japanexperterna.se
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Colorado voters will decide in November whether to raise the minimum wage incrementally over the next four years, from the current $8.31 an hour to $12 an hour in 2020. After that, the state would continue to adjust the wage each year based on the Consumer Price Index.

Ways to join the debate:

If you want to get some background on the issue first, we’ve spoken with both employers and workers about the issue, and you can listen to a debate about the measure and read the transcript here.

Photo: Tarrah Lowry-Schreiner, GroundSource, Mimimum Wage
Tarrah Lowry-Schreiner.

“I think on a small non-profit it would be a burden [to increase the minimum wage]. I don’t have a whole lot of employees making less than $12. Most of them make that or a little bit above. But having to pay the ones who aren’t making that up to that amount will be a little bit hard on our non-profit organization.”

--Tarrah Lowry-Schreiner, Pueblo

“I am voting to increase the minimum wage because a living wage is a right. It is the government's duty to protect the rights of Americans from the whims of others and open markets and capitalism do not do that. Allowing markets to set wages assumes people have the ability to chose not to work rather than accept a low wage which is plain false. A person working full time should be making enough to live off of.”