In Crested Butte, the crowds are gone from last weekend's big Bud Light party and everything is cleaned up.
Well, almost everything. The Denver Post reports that residents are unhappy that the main drag in town is still painted blue. The situation got worse, though, when it started to rain:
But before the avenue could get its overlay, heavy rains caused the blue paint to start washing off the main street, running into side streets and getting on people's vehicles.
"I'm glad it rained. It showed me that paint wasn't OK," said Crested Butte Public Works director Rodney Due, who has been fielding complaints about the blue paint for three days.
"The cleanup is loud. It's nasty. God knows what we're breathing in," said Chris Blumenstein, who is staying in Crested Butte for a week's vacation. Due now has workers scraping up the paint — and generating new complaints about noise and blue paint dust in the air.
The re-blackened Elk Avenue should be open by this weekend, the Post reports.