This article is part of our look at potential refunds from the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Learn more about how TABOR works here.
Title: HB15-1206 Sales & Use Tax Refund For Recycling Equipment
Sponsors: Rep. Jonathan Singer (D-Longmont)
Status: Introduced and assigned to the House Business Affairs and Labor and Finance committees on Feb. 3. The Business Affairs and Labor Committee referred the amended bill to the Finance Committee on Feb 19. On March 18, the Finance Committee killed the bill.
What the bill would have done: This bill would have created a refund for taxes paid on machines and equipment "used for recycling or reprocessing of waste products," according to the bill's fiscal note.
How it would have affected your refund: This bill would have reduced the average taxpayer refund by less than 1 cent for 2015-16.