How to help kids fall in love with nature at the next ‘Colorado Matters at the Tattered’

Image: Scott Sampson and book
(Photo: Kid Hedman)

Join us April 23 at 7 p.m. at the Tattered Cover on Colfax, when “Colorado Matters” host Ryan Warner will talk with local author Scott Sampson about his new book, “How to Raise a Wild Child: The Art and Science of Falling in Love with Nature.”

In this, Sampson’s second book, he distills the latest research and reveals how parents and educators can help kids fall in love with nature and develop a sense of place to help keep the planet, and themselves, healthy.

Scott Sampson is a dinosaur paleontologist and vice president of research and collections for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, as well as host of the PBS children’s series “Dinosaur Train.”

The event is free to attend. Seating is limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis. If you can’t attend, listen to the interview the following week on CPR News.

Sampson joins a list of local authors featured in our monthly series, “Colorado Matters at the Tattered.” Listen to the March event with Denver novelist Cynthia Swanson and stay tuned for information on the May event.