Colorado's unemployment rate ticked down two-tenths of a percentage point to 3.6 percent in November, the state reported Friday.
But the number of nonfarm payroll jobs also declined, with the private sector shedding 1,700 positions and government dropping 400. The rate and raw job numbers come from separate surveys.
The construction, leisure and hospitality industries gained the most jobs. Finance, professional and business services saw the steepest declines.
Colorado’s chief economist Alexandra Hall said the state’s employment picture is still looking good.
"Despite the increase claims for unemployment insurance benefits from the oil and gas sector, we have overall claims about the same levels they were a year ago. So these are pretty healthy levels," Hall said.
Hall says labor conditions are improving statewide, except in Mesa County and Grand Junction and a handful of much smaller counties.
The unemployment rate has dropped seven-tenths of a percentage point in the last year and is at its lowest level since June 2007. The national jobless rate stands at 5 percent.