This Struggling Video Store Owner Wants Non-Profit Status

One of Denver's oldest movie rental stores is now one of the city’s last. Video One survived the rise and fall of mega chains like Blockbuster. And it's still here during the age of online streaming. But like many rental stores across the country, Video One may need to close its doors soon. The question: Will it survive for a second act?
Jeff Hahn wants to save Video One. He’s worked there since 2001. Then, it was just another job. But it turned into something much more seven years ago, when Hahn bought Video One from the previous owner who wanted to get out. "I’ve spent most of my adult life working in here, and it was home to me," Hahn said. "It kind of felt that I would be the only person to really keep this going."
One option he's exploring: non-profit status.
Five Bits Of Colorado History You Should Know

Colorado has a new state historian, Patricia Nelson Limerick. That's not the only hat she wears. She's also a history professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. And she's faculty director and chairwoman of the school's Center for the American West.
Limerick came in to talk about her new role, and while she was here we asked her CPR News posed this question to Limerick: "What are some of the least understood aspects of Colorado history?" For one, the continued significance of American Indians.
Another? The long story between the American West, Spain and Mexico.
College Is Great But, Colorado Needs 'Middle Skills' Too

Go into any school -- any kindergarten classroom for that matter -- and you see the banners: Harvard, CU Boulder, Colorado State, School of Mines. The four-year college mantra is deeply embedded in the Colorado and American psyche. But what if that's not the right destination for a high school graduate?
What if there was a way for them to focus on science, technology, engineering and math jobs that don't require a bachelor's degree -- but pay really well? There is. We tagged along for something called Manufacturing Day to see how various programs are opening high school students' eyes to a different path.