It's been about a week and a half since President Trump took questions from reporters in a formal setting, and in that time the news deluge has been nonstop. Trump will share the stage with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and as is traditional, each leader is expected to call on two journalists.
One of the topics Trump is likely to be asked about is his seemingly improvised announcement late last week that he would impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. It is a move that is publicly opposed by leaders in Trump's own party. And, ironically, the Löfven may have more to say about these potential tariffs than most European leaders. Löfven spent most of his career working with, and ultimately leading, trade unions that represent metal workers in Sweden.
In a brief handshake photo opportunity with the prime minister in the Oval Office, Trump was asked about a potential breakthrough with North Korea. He expressed optimism but also added his favorite dodge.
"We have come certainly a long way, at least rhetorically, with North Korea. It would be a great thing for the world. It would be a great thing for the peninsula, but we'll see what happens," he said.
Asked if he would be willing to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump said again, "We'll see what happens."
He could be asked about this again in the press conference.
Trump hasn't taken questions from reporters since meeting late Thursday evening with the top lobbyist from the NRA. That lobbyist, Chris Cox, indicated that Trump could be backing away from his earlier support of gun control legislation.
Another area ripe for questioning is the state of top-level White House staffing. Trump has suggested he wants changes, as rumors of possible departures swirl.