Tarot readings are taking the internet by storm with social media influencers, apps, and tons of beautifully decorated decks. However, more than just a trend of the current times, the craft of Tarot has been around for centuries and spanning across cultures worldwide. Our Local Music Director, Alisha Sweeney, has been practicing Tarot for some time and now we're bringing our latest interview and entertainment feature to Indie 102.3's socials titled "Talk, Tarot, Tunes".
Talk, Tarot, Tunes is like our Sessions: At Home series, virtual interviews and performances with popular and up-and-coming indie artists. The idea was born out of a bonus interview with Man Man on Instagram Live back in the summer of 2020. Host Alisha Sweeney wanted to find a deeper connection beyond the music with our artists and her first instinct was to connect through tarot.
Sweeney says, "Tarot is something I started exploring during lockdown for creative inspiration, self-care, and a little spiritual support. My hope with pulling cards for a musician is to inspire a creative prompt that they can take with them, or at least we can have a weird random experience." In this unprecedented time we are all looking for ways to connect and Talk, Tarot, Tunes is an exciting exchange of creative energies between the artist and host that starts with an interview, followed by a three-card tarot reading, and last a performance.
Join us for our first segment in the series staring singer Cautious Clay, on Instagram Live April 28 at 12:30pm MST. Watch Arlo Parks get her tarot read on YouTube or IGTV May 10 at 4pm MST.