Gov. Jared Polis provided an update on COVID-19 in Colorado on Friday, Sept. 10 at 11 a.m. Gov. Polis was be joined by Scott Bookman, Incident Commander COVID-19, and Dr. Rachel Herlihy, State Epidemiologist.
You can watch the update via the video below, or on our Facebook page.
The federal government’s pandemic aid program for unemployed workers ended this week, and as a result, nearly 90,000 Coloradoans lost unemployment benefits. Also, President Biden announced a federal rule that all businesses with 100 or more employees must ensure that every worker is either vaccinated for COVID-19 or submit to weekly testing.
And Colorado residents are now able to access "breakthrough" case information — confirmed COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated — on the state's website. New data on that dashboard show unvaccinated Coloradans are nearly six times more likely to die and almost four times more likely to be hospitalized from the coronavirus than those who are vaccinated.