Former Colorado Rep. Ed Perlmutter had something small, shiny and gold clutched in his hand as he approached what used to be his office on the second floor of the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, D.C.
It was a trophy with Santa Claus on top. At its base, it read “Champion, Deck the Halls of Congress.”
Since 2019, the offices on the floor of the building have held a fun — and competitive, these are politicians after all — office holiday decorating battle.
This year, a bipartisan pair of lawmakers invited Perlmutter to come and judge the decorations. And unlike then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who judged the contest in 2021, Perlmutter wasn’t going to come empty-handed.

Perlmutter, who retired at the end of the last Congress, along with fellow Colorado Rep. Jason Crow and Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, all tried to outdo one another in 2019, leading to some holiday hijinks.
It’s since become an annual tradition that has grown.
“It brings a little levity, joy, light to these hallways that sometimes can be pretty dark and depressing,” Perlmutter said.
Crow, who has moved up to the third floor this Congress, put it this way: “It’s hard to walk around any floor without running into an inflatable or a light-up reindeer or something.”
He’s not wrong. The number and types of inflatables have grown: sledding Santas, sunbathing Santas, surfing Santas, even a pirate Santa, snowmen, penguins, Hanukkah bears, Grinches, Yodas and Baby Yodas, and even an inflatable Christmas tree that hit the ceiling.
VA Rep. Jennifer Wexton highlighted Virginia peanuts in her holiday display, as well as the cartoon Peanuts, too. It seems like there's an inflatable Santa for almost all occasions, including this one getting some "rays" at the beach. California Rep. Scott Peters' office had holiday decorations with a beach theme.
Snowflakes made out of coffee filters and candy canes hung from the ceiling and even some doors this year, while train sets found homes on the floor. There was even a “House Resolution,” listing everyone on the floor as sponsors to recognize “an unofficial holiday decoration contest, and its associated bipartisan cheer and sportsmanship, during the holiday season and for other purposes.”
And many representatives themed their decorations to their state or paid homage to the judge. More than one office had something for Perlmutter: a decoration or even putting his face on a Luke Skywalker holiday cutout.
Gallagher said the contest has taken on a life of its own.
“I am just surprised so many people participated this year. It's gotten to a whole ‘nother level,” the Wisconsin Republican said, joking, “It's like when AI becomes sentient, we can no longer control it.”
Colorado’s 2nd-floor entry, Rep. Brittany Pettersen, created a Colorado skiing backdrop, complete with projected snowfall on top.

“It’s about always being positive, finding that connection, bringing people together, and bringing a little competition to bear,” she said. And she pointed out, it shows that “it’s not all doom and gloom all-time in Congress.”
But this year, even this fun tradition couldn’t escape the political rancor that has been on display, with some offices sending a decidedly political message, rather than one of goodwill and cheer.
One office built a wall with elves sitting at the top, and signs that read “Have Document Ready” or “Border Patrol Elves Only.” While another office only put one sign out. It read “Due to Bidenflation All we Could Afford Is This Crummy Sign.”
It's not the holidays without someone getting some coal. This year, it was Hamas. Some congressional offices, like Rep. Eli Crane of Arizona, got political with their holiday decorations. His featured a border wall and signs like "Port of Entry" and "Have Documents Ready." AZ Rep. Debbie Lesko's decoration was this sign. It was one example of some of the controversial choices some offices made in what has typically been a festive and apolitical holiday tradition.
As Gallagher explained to Perlmutter, “The controversy on the second floor, I think — and I’m not trying to influence the judge — is that some of the most ornate decorations are highly political this year.”
Walking around the second floor, talking with staff and members of Congress on their way to vote, Perlmutter said many welcome the change of scenery “instead of all the heavy things that they have to think about, work on, talk about this. (It’s) just a change of pace and one that this time of year is good for everybody's soul.”
Perlmutter and Gallagher popped up to Crow’s office to see his decorations, which featured an inflatable snowman in a truck, presents for Colorado sports figures like CU Head Football Coach Prime and skier Mikaela Shiffrin, as well as a depiction of Democratic members of Colorado’s House delegation and Texas Republican Rep. Morgan Luttrell, Crow’s office neighbor, skiing and snowboarding down paper mountains.

Perlmutter joked that Crow won “for the third floor.” But the trophy was only for the winner of the second floor.
And after seeing all the amazing decorations on the floor, Perlmutter said he almost regretted agreeing to the task of selecting a “winner.”
Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher had several inflatables included in his decorations, and created a 12 Days of Wisconsin list. Part of Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher's decorations included a local beer chair, next to a homemade fire place.
In the end, Perlmutter awarded the champion Santa trophy to Gallagher’s office, with its stable of inflatables, Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers pride, presents around the door and construction paper fireplace. Perlmutter said Gallagher and his staff had “stepped up his game.”
And with the trophy came a task: Gallagher will be on the hook to judge next year.