Conservative political pundit Ann Coulter is scheduled to speak tonight at CU-Boulder, a little more than a year after the campus hosted another controversial speaker, former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos.
Bookings like these on a campus that's widely perceived as liberal are familiar to Zachary Wood, president of Uncomfortable Learning, a program designed to bring controversial viewpoints to his campus, Williams College in Massachusetts. He also has a forthcoming book, "Uncensored: My Life And Uncomfortable Conversations At The Intersection Of Black And White."
During his time as president of Uncomfortable Learning, he had two guests disinvited by the school. Suzanne Venker, a conservative author, and John Derbyshire, a former writer for the National Review. And there were tense exchanges when author Christina Hoff Sommers, of the conservative think tank the American Enterprise Institute, came to campus.