The 2018 primary is still a year away, but the governor's race is already shaping up to be the most contentious and hard fought Democratic primary in recent memory. So far, eight Democrats have filed paperwork for the race.
Meet some of the front-runners:
“My focus has always been where can I have the biggest positive impact on the state and the country, particularly in light of President Trump pulling out of Paris and all of the movement in the wrong direction on oil and gas and renewable energy and coal. Any progress will need to be made at the state level.”
"I'm someone who has been listening to my neighbors... I've heard for years about their concerns, their ideas, their dreams for the future. I've gone door to door for a long time. I feel like I've had a chance to hear from the hardworking people in the middle."
"We will stand against those policies and make sure whatever is happening in Washington does not take Colorado backwards... We will position Colorado to be a model ... Colorado is doing it right and we need to continue our progress no matter what's happening in D.C."
"The magnitude of the challenges in this moment in our history require big, bold ideas and the proven track record to bridge divides and get results."
Seven Republican candidates have announced for the governor's race so far, but most of the biggest names are still waiting in the wings.
"I'm not a rich guy. I'm just this kid from Lakewood who has tried to figure out a way to provide some sort of value... Everything important in my life is right here in these borders. This is the only home I've ever known."
Read More: Big Names, Unaffiliated Voters Both Promise Drama For Colorado’s Democratic Gov Primary