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When you do, a Colorado family will be provided meals for a week, from a regional food bank, courtesy of the Singer Family Foundation.
The Singer Family Foundation wants to inspire you to support Colorado Public Radio and to highlight the important work of our regional food banks. Give now and when you do, you’ll be supporting this important news and cultural resource AND helping feed a family in need.
On average, it costs a food bank in Colorado $22.50 to feed a single parent and two children for a week, according to Feeding Colorado. For the first 4,400 donors, the Singer Family Foundation will contribute $22.50 to Feeding Colorado, for a total of $100,000.

"We decided to partner with CPR to support food banks around our state because we recognize that CPR listeners are aware of what's going on and the needs that are so pronounced right now. And we don't want people who want to support the station and who value this great service to our community to have to make a choice when they're worried about people not being able to eat."
- Cintra Pollack, Secretary Treasurer of the Singer Family Foundation (pictured, left.)
Feeding Colorado is the connecting organization that supports our five food banks.
Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado
Community Food Share
Weld Food Bank
Food Bank of the Rockies
Food Bank for Larimer County
During this tremendous time of need, Colorado food banks are distributing enough food for more than 420,000 meals per day and more than 12.8 million meals per month.