Monday, March 24, 2008
News Feature: Alamosa Water Restrictions Tighten
Top officials and the National Guard arrived this weekend to assist as the town prepares to treat the water for salmonella bacteria, which has sickened up to 209 people, sending 9 to the hospital. Volunteers handed out drinking water all weekend. On Sunday, volunteers, many of them fresh from Easter church services, went door to door telling residents tap water will be off-limits for at least two weeks while the town flushes the water supply with chlorine to kill the bacteria. KCFR's Health Reporter Eric Whitney reports.
Volunteer Justin Paiz helps distribute free water in Alamosa Saturday
Photo: Eric Whitney
Fawn's Diner
Photo: Eric Whitney
Milagro Coffee House
Photo: Eric Whitney
Alamosa County Sheriff Dave Strong helps assemble some of the 173volunteers who turned out on Easter Sunday to distribute informationabout the city water system.
Photo: Eric Whitney
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