Fort Collins appealing to keep fracking ban

Photo: Fracking worker Mead, Colo. (AP Photo)A second Colorado city is fighting to keep its fracking ban.

City councilors in Fort Collins voted Tuesday to appeal a court ruling last month overturning a 5-year ban on hydraulic fracturing passed by voters. The Coloradoan reports that the city's attorney will file an action in the Colorado Court of Appeals and also ask a lower court to keep the ban in place while the appeal proceeds.

Last month, Longmont leaders also decided to appeal a ruling against its ban on fracking. The technique pumps water, fine sand and chemicals into wells to fracture open oil- and gas-bearing rock deposits.

A judge has also overturned Lafayette's fracking ban.

The Colorado Oil & Gas Association says the appeal is a waste of taxpayers' money.


Information from: Fort Collins Coloradoan