Colorado babies and children earned just a passing grade when it comes to their health, compared with other states, according to the 2015 Colorado Health Report Card released today.
The report ranked the health of Colorado babies and children 24th in the nation, with no progress from the last report card. Persistent trouble spots include immunizations, low-birth weights, physical activity and preventative dental care.
“The story with kids is really a story about disparities this year, and about the inequities that we’re seeing within the system," said Michelle Lueck, who heads the Colorado Health Institute.
While the state does have a reputation as one of the nation’s healthiest places to live, that appears to be more true for seniors, adults and teens than babies. Seniors earned an A- while adults and adolescents earned Bs.
“I think the good news is there’s good solid progress," said Rahn Porter, interim CEO of the Colorado Health Foundation. "We still have a long ways to go. The older population has done extremely well. We still have a long ways to go with the younger population.”
Here are four charts that show the health report card trends over the past roughly 10 years:

Also, just 70 percent of preschool-age children got all six recommended vaccines.
And, Colorado ranked first for reduced teen fertility rates and adult physical activity.
The Colorado Health Institute prepared the report in partnership with the Colorado Health Foundation, which funds CPR health coverage.