This article is part of our look at potential refunds from the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Learn more about how TABOR works here.
Title: SB15-127 Tax Incentives For Agritourism-related Activities
Sponsors: Sen. Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo), Rep. Tim Dore (R-Elizabeth)
Status: Introduced and assigned to the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy and Finance committees on Jan. 28. The Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee referred an unamended version favorably to the Finance Committee on Feb. 11. The Appropriations Committee killed the bill on April 10.
What the bill would have done: The bill would have created two tax incentives for agricultural tourism. One provides an income tax credit up to $500 for equipment. The second allows private marketing and advertising agencies to deduct up to $10,000 for services that they donate to small municipalities and rural counties in order to help promote local agritourism.
How it would have affected your refund: This bill would have reduced the average taxpayer refund by 16 cents for fiscal year 2015-16.
What's being said about this bill:
Bill sponsor state Sen. Leroy Garcia on Feb. 27, writing for The Colorado Statesman.