Denver is home to quite a few AmeriCorps members, and Fort Collins is no slouch either, according to AmeriCorps' analysis of their 2013 data.
The cities each placed within the top ten for their size: Denver ranked second for large cities and Fort Collins ranked third for mid-sized cities. Rankings were determined by looking at the permanent address of members.
In fact, the whole state is ranked 7th for generating AmeriCorps members, with more than 30,000 members over 20 years who've given more than 27 million hours of service.
There are currently more than 1,580 AmeriCorps members serving in Denver, and more than 2,515 serving statewide. [The federal agency that administers the AmeriCorps] is investing more than $15 million in national service projects in the state, funding such projects as the Colorado Reading Corps, Mile High Youth Corps, Southwest Conservation Corps, and the Urban Education Service Corps.