Hail in northern Colorado Springs. 8" of hail in minutes! #cowx #mayhail2015 pic.twitter.com/zxSHVbioRn
A storm system sweeping across the state brought heavy rain to much ofColorado's Front Range, including up to 8 inches of hail in Colorado Springs.
The Colorado Springs Gazette reports state transportation crews used eight plows to clear hail on a stretch of Interstate 25 through the city Thursday afternoon. The storm caused traffic problems north of the city, mainly from people stuck in hail that accumulated like snow.
Police Sgt. Mike Roy says it's "a mess out there." He says the storm hit hard and fast.
The storm follows several days of wet weather, and more is expected through the weekend.
The National Weather Service says heavy snow is possible in the Front Range mountains beginning Saturday afternoon. Ten to 20 inches could fall in areas above 9,000 feet.