.@BernieSanders town hall meeting at University of Denver in CO on @cspan http://t.co/j1zKWGCoO0 pic.twitter.com/vEgzPhPzZd
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ignited Colorado supporters with a blistering condemnation of billionaires and corporations, drawing a crowd of nearly 5,000 to Denver on Saturday to support his presidential campaign.
The 73-year-old Independent spoke for an hour and hit a nerve on economic issues as he advocated for an end to income inequality, as well as a higher minimum wage, pay equity for women and more government spending on infrastructure.
“There is something profoundly wrong when the top tenth of one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent,” Sanders said. “What we are doing tonight is, we are sending a message to the billionaire class, and that is: You can't have it all.”
In an interview with The Denver Post before the event, Sanders said his economic message is resonating with voters.
The event followed standing-room only crowds in Iowa and Nevada, as well as 3,000 at a Minneapolis rally.
Sanders is in a race for the Democratic presidential nomination with Hillary Rodham Clinton.