Starting off with a claim of setting an attendance record at Loveland’s Budweiser Events Center, Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump again pressed his response to a New York Times story on his tax returns. Trump argued that his ability to recover from a nearly billion dollar loss in the mid-90s is proof of his business acumen and mastery of the tax code.
“I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone, which is why I am the one who can fix them,” Trump said. “And that is what I commit to you. I will do it.”
His campaign rally also touched on a number of Colorado-related topics, promising to keep public lands open for hunting and fishing and to promote oil, gas, and coal development.
When he turned to immigration policy, Trump noted what he called Colorado’s “rich Latino history.”
“And it’s these hard working immigrants who stand to lose the most from our open borders and our open immigration policy.”
Trump repeated his pledge to build a border wall and to tighten the visa system.
Hillary Clinton’s Colorado campaign organized several events to protest Trump’s visit. Her running mate Tim Kaine is slated to visit the state October 10.
Read More: Trump In Pueblo Tackles Questions Over $916M Business Loss And Tax Maneuver