The Colorado National Monument is set to increase some entrance fees for the third time in four years.
In 2016, you and your car could get into the national park for $10. In 2020, it’s going to cost you $25.
Fees for motorcycles, pedestrians, bicycles and annual passes will also go up.
The National Park Service announced in April 2018 that it would raise prices at some sites across the country in phases to help cover the cost of improvements to infrastructure.
Before that, the Colorado National Monument asked for feedback on potential price increases. Officials say more than half of the 62 responses supported the change.
“Providing an outstanding visitor experience is a top priority for our team at the Monument,” superintendent Nathan Souder said in a statement.
The Monument’s annual park pass will increase to $45, while campground fees will stay at $22.
Other parks in Colorado that will increase rates in the new year include Mesa Verde National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, and Hovenweep National Monument.
The additional revenue will help address $11.6 billion worth of deferred maintenance across the country’s 417 parks, historic sites and monuments, officials said.
According to the National Park Service, most of the money from fees stays in the park where it’s collected. About 20 percent is used for other parks that don’t charge fees.