March 3 seems like a lifetime away. Little did we know it'd be the last time in a long time we'd pack into Lost Lake Lounge to meet musicians and listeners alike, and celebrate local music. COVID-19 was still socially distant from Colorado, keeping to the coasts but it made it's grand entrance to our state just a week later.
By April 6, we knew we had to cancel our Local 303 Meetup, to keep our musicians, listeners, and hosts safe. We kept our fingers crossed that we'd be back later in the month, or at least by May's edition. Everything was still up in the air, but one thing we knew for certain - we couldn't miss another night of local love.
So, the Local 303 is back!
We won't be meeting up at our beloved Lost Lake Lounge for a while it seems, so we're taking to the internet. Join us on Monday, May 11 at 6 p.m. for our Local 303 Meetup - At Home!
We'll be getting to know nine of our new Local 303 bands a little better, with performances from Mandy Groves and Whitacre, and checking in with our fellow hosts.
RSVP (and follow us!) on our Facebook page, and we'll "see" you on Monday!