Andrea Dukakis

Colorado Matters Reporter / Producer / Host

@adukakis[email protected]

Andrea Dukakis is a producer/reporter/host for Colorado Matters on CPR News. She has produced and reported for CPR for nearly two decades. Prior to joining CPR, Andrea worked at NPR and ABC News.

Bachelor's degree in English, Princeton University; Master's degree in journalism, Columbia University.

Professional background:
Andrea Dukakisreports, produces and hosts stories for Colorado Public Radio and has been at CPR for nearly two decades.Prior to coming to Colorado, she spent three years at National Public Radio in Washington, D.C. Andrea has also worked at ABC News in New York. She's reported national stories for several NPR programs, including "Morning Edition," "All Things Considered," "Justice Talking" and "Living on Earth," as well as for BBC's "The World."

Andrea has received awards from PRNDI (Public Radio News Directors Incorporated),Colorado Broadcasters Association, Associated Press and the Colorado Community Health Network.

Q & AWhy I became a journalist:
I have always been fascinated by people and their unique experiences, and I love the news. So, it was a perfect fit. I grew up in a political family, and we always talked about issues and politics at the dinner table. But I never wanted to work in politics – I always preferred understanding issues from different perspectives. I think the most powerful stories are the ones told by those who are affected, whether it be health care reform, welfare, education, justice issues or the economy. And, I enjoy telling those stories.

Why I got into radio:
While I was in journalism school, I was offered the chance to help out at WBAI – a public radio station in New York City. I had written a story for school on Amerasian children who moved here from Vietnam after the war. The folks at WBAI let me turn it into a radio story – and I was hooked. I liked it better than print because radio adds a special texture to a story. And I preferred radio to television because I think people being interviewed are more honest when they talk into a microphone, rather than a camera.

How I ended up at CPR:
I was newly married, and my husband wanted to move to the mountains. At the time, I was at National Public Radio in Washington, D.C. We moved to Denver, and I began talking to people at Colorado Public Radio. It was really the only place I wanted to work – and the rest is history.

Emerging therapies offer hope for those with treatment-resistant depression

Studies show the pandemic — and the isolation and uncertainty that came with it — increased the number of people reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression. We explore some of the emerging therapies for people with treatment-resistant depression, including transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS, ketamine therapy and psilocybin with Dr. Chris Schneck, medical director of the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Depression Center.

One woman’s story about helping her terminally-ill husband die on his own terms

Joanne Tubbs Kelly and her husband, Alan, had talked hypothetically about their support for laws like Colorado’s End-of-Life Options Act, but they never knew it would be a choice they’d have to make. That changed when Alan Kelly was diagnosed with a terminal illness and decided he wanted to take advantage of the law. The book, “Walking Him Home: Helping My Husband Die with Dignity,” by Joanne Tubbs Kelly, is about that experience.

How to judge a judge on the ballot

Along with the candidates and measures on this year’s ballot is a list of Colorado judges. After each name, voters must decide whether or not a judge should be “retained” and are asked to answer “yes” or “no.” We speak to retired judge Russ Carparelli, who served on the Colorado Court of Appeals for nearly 11 years about the process, which involves comprehensive performance evaluations of each judge.
Children's Hospital Colorado. April 1, 2020. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)

Children with RSV and other viruses fill hospital beds

Children’s hospitals around the country, including those in Colorado, are filling up because of an early surge in respiratory viruses. A key culprit is RSV, which often presents as a common cold but can turn more severe, especially among children and older adults. The situation has alarmed physicians who concerned about a tripledemic if RSV, influenza and COVID-19 converge.

Alzheimer’s disease derailed her career. She says it won’t stop her from living and learning

In 2019, Rebecca Chopp stepped down as chancellor at the University of Denver after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She’s since spoken publicly about her journey with dementia, including in an interview last year on Colorado Matters. She joined us for an update on her journey and said, while she’s still in the early stages of the disease, she has lost some of her short term memory.

Oct. 25, 2022: Understanding the statewide ballot measures; Spiritual walk shows unity

In addition to key statewide races for governor, U.S. Senate, and House of Representatives, there are eleven statewide ballot measures to consider. We break them down with Purplish, CPR’s podcast about politics and policy. Then, Indigenous people join in a spiritual walk to save their home for future generations. Later, a love of the Rocky Mountains and of history woven into a series of short stories.
Racial Injustice Elijah McClain

The evolving uses of the drug ketamine

Ketamine has been used by doctors as an anesthetic since 1970, yet it’s received a lot of attention lately as a therapy for people with anxiety and depression. It’s also been abused as a recreational drug and it’s been widely talked about in the death of Elijah McClain. We speak with Dr. Andrew Monte, who’s an emergency medicine and medical toxicology professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Colorado researcher moves forward on a drug that could reduce memory loss in people with Alzheimer’s

Human trials are underway for the drug Leukine, used for cancer patients, to see if it can reduce memory loss for Alzheimer’s patients. Dr. Huntington Potter, directs the Alzheimer’s and Cognition Center at CU Anschutz, said the drug could also benefit others with memory problems but he cautions that several more years of research are needed to make sure the drug is effective.