Andrea Dukakis

Colorado Matters Reporter / Producer / Host

@adukakis[email protected]

Andrea Dukakis is a producer/reporter/host for Colorado Matters on CPR News. She has produced and reported for CPR for nearly two decades. Prior to joining CPR, Andrea worked at NPR and ABC News.

Bachelor's degree in English, Princeton University; Master's degree in journalism, Columbia University.

Professional background:
Andrea Dukakisreports, produces and hosts stories for Colorado Public Radio and has been at CPR for nearly two decades.Prior to coming to Colorado, she spent three years at National Public Radio in Washington, D.C. Andrea has also worked at ABC News in New York. She's reported national stories for several NPR programs, including "Morning Edition," "All Things Considered," "Justice Talking" and "Living on Earth," as well as for BBC's "The World."

Andrea has received awards from PRNDI (Public Radio News Directors Incorporated),Colorado Broadcasters Association, Associated Press and the Colorado Community Health Network.

Q & AWhy I became a journalist:
I have always been fascinated by people and their unique experiences, and I love the news. So, it was a perfect fit. I grew up in a political family, and we always talked about issues and politics at the dinner table. But I never wanted to work in politics – I always preferred understanding issues from different perspectives. I think the most powerful stories are the ones told by those who are affected, whether it be health care reform, welfare, education, justice issues or the economy. And, I enjoy telling those stories.

Why I got into radio:
While I was in journalism school, I was offered the chance to help out at WBAI – a public radio station in New York City. I had written a story for school on Amerasian children who moved here from Vietnam after the war. The folks at WBAI let me turn it into a radio story – and I was hooked. I liked it better than print because radio adds a special texture to a story. And I preferred radio to television because I think people being interviewed are more honest when they talk into a microphone, rather than a camera.

How I ended up at CPR:
I was newly married, and my husband wanted to move to the mountains. At the time, I was at National Public Radio in Washington, D.C. We moved to Denver, and I began talking to people at Colorado Public Radio. It was really the only place I wanted to work – and the rest is history.


On the front lines of preventing overdoses

Fentanyl deaths in Colorado are ten times higher than they were just a few years ago. That’s why more people carry Narcan, a nasal spray that can reverse overdoses. Test strips, which can detect whether other drugs, like cocaine and ecstasy, are laced with fentanyl, are also more common. We checked in with people who contend with the reality of overdoses and have made it their mission to save lives.

Veteran says MDMA therapy helped him find his former self

Scott Ostrom, of Denver, had nightmares and anger problems after two deployments in Iraq. He took part in a study in Boulder of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD and said it helped him confront painful memories and heal. Boulder is one of 15 sites in the US and abroad conducting the study. Researchers anticipate FDA approval for MDMA could come in late 2023.
Europe Crypto Regulation

We bought some Bitcoin in 2014. It’s been quite a ride.

By now, most people have some idea what Bitcoin is as well as some general knowledge about cryptocurrency. But, back in 2014, it was a fairly new concept. That’s when CPR’s Andrea Dukakis learned about a machine–sort of a Bitcoin ATM. She made a purchase and did a story on it. We’ll hear about that experience and then talk to an expert about Bitcoin’s fluctuations and the rise of cryptocurrency.

One man’s story of long COVID and a lost career

Dr. Dave Micklin, a dentist, was in the first wave of Coloradans to contract COVID-19 in early 2020 and among the earlier sufferers of what’s known as long COVID. At the time, Micklin didn’t understand what was happening to him. Today, more than two years later, the Louisville resident is still dealing with symptoms and has had to give up much of the life he knew before he got sick, including his dental practice.

July 1, 2022: Stories behind what Avs fans wear; The primaries and the Republican party

Avs fans at Thursday’s parade tell the stories behind the jerseys and t-shirts they wear. Then, the primary election may be a defining moment for Colorado’s Republican party. We’ll get perspective with CPR’s politics podcast, Purplish. Then, remembering the man who made history as the first Black starting quarterback in modern football. And, meet Colorado Matters’ new co-host!

Dive into the summer with these great books

Every summer, we reach out to book sellers in the state to get their choices for good books by Colorado authors and/or ones with Western themes.  This year, we checked in with Deidre Appelhans, co-owner of The Read Queen Bookstore and Cafe in Lafayette and Jeanne Costello, general manager and book buyer at Maria’s Bookshop in Durango.

June 15, 2022: Marking ten years of DACA

Ten years ago today, President Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. It allows young people brought to the US unlawfully as children to attend college or work legally. About 18,000 Coloradans have taken Obama up on that offer. We’ll hear some of their stories today. We’ll also talk with Marissa Molina, herself a DACA recipient, who advocates for immigration reform.