Visible Smoke, Fire Possible During Emergency Exercise at Colorado Springs Airport
Colorado Springs residents may see smoke, fire, and emergency personnel just south of the city’s airport Thursday morning. It’s an exercise from the Colorado Springs Office of Emergency Management and […]

County Groups Conduct Transportation Survey
As the state examines how best to allocate transportation funding across Colorado, county-based regional advocacy groups, including southern Colorado’s Action 22, are conducting a transportation survey.

Update: Buena Vista Routes Re-Open
UPDATE: According to Chaffee County Sheriff spokeswoman Laura Smith, an x-ray of the explosive device determined it was a “practice round” and nothing suspicious.

Two Incidents, Two Avalanche Related Deaths
Two are dead in separate avalanches in Colorado this week. KRCC’s Elaina Formby reports. One avalanche caught two snowmobilers, killing one near Kebler Pass, west of Crested Butte.

Study Finds Higher Rate of Texting & Driving Among Never-Deployed Military
A study by USAA finds higher rates of texting while driving among service members who have never been deployed than among those who have. KRCC’s Elaina Formby reports. The company’s […]

Audit: School Meal Program Missed Funding Opportunities
Colorado’s School Meal Program missed out on federal money and grants that could have been used to help feed students in need, according to an audit released Tuesday.

Report Details Challenges and Support Opportunities for El Paso County’s Aging
El Paso County’s senior population is expected to jump an estimated 179 percent over the next thirty years. KRCC’s Elaina Formby has more on a new report identifying possible ways to […]

Penrose-St. Francis Recognized for Nursing
Penrose-St. Francis is now the first hospital in southern Colorado to attain Magnet recognition for its nursing. According to a press release from the hospital, the American Nurses Credentialing Center, or […]

Volunteers Sought for Call Center Ops During Large Emergencies
Officials in the Pikes Peak region are seeking volunteers to help staff call centers in the event of another large emergency. The effort comes from Pikes Peak United Way 211, the […]