Not a single state senator or representative in the Colorado legislature is independent, even though more than a million Coloradans are unaffiliated. A national group, which aims to get more independents elected to national and local office, recently moved to Colorado to focus its resources on the state. The Centrist Project says its goal is critical at a time when 70 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. Then, Eric Cahn was separated from his parents at age 4. They were sent to Auschwitz while he hid in a family's basement to avoid the Nazis. Cahn shares his story, as CPR News continues to document the lives of Holocaust survivors in Colorado. Cahn also reflects on the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where there were anti-Semitic chants and Nazi symbols flying. Plus, Colorado's pot growers are looking for ways to save energy and money.