It can be really scary.
You're driving, and all of a sudden, you can't see anything because the sun's in your eyes. The glare has gotten so bad the past few mornings, Colorado's transportation agency has closed I-70 East in the foothills near Denver.
CDOT says from early November through February, the sun aligns just right on Eastbound I-70 at Floyd Hill, and it makes the glare especially severe between 7:00 am and 8:30 am.
Here are some precautions to take so you'll be prepared whenever the sun gets in your eyes.
- Make sure your windshield is clean inside and out.
- Wear a good pair of sunglasses to provide shading.
- Expect traffic slowdowns, and adjust your speed to avoid sudden reactions.
- Let off your accelerator and slow down gradually instead of slamming on the breaks if suddenly blinded by the sun.
- If you are in an accident, move your car from the roadway. It's the law.
CDOT says if they do close the road because of sun glare, they'll alert drivers via overhead signs and provide details on alternate routes.
You can get up-to-date traffic info from the agency here.