In Colorado Springs, outgoing City Manager Penny Culbreth-Graft has asked the city for a payout (Gazette, CSBJ).The city will close two pools this summer (Gazette). Harrison D-2 parents are upset over the school board's handling over the district (KRDO). The Colorado Springs Business Journal reports on the airport's updated master plan.
The Pueblo Chieftain reports on tornados spotted in southeastern Colorado, the materials remaining from the Fourth Street Bridge, and Representative Mike Coffman's (R-6) defense of his proposed Pinon Canyon bill.
The LaJunta City Council has approved a request to hold Early Settlers celebration in the city park (LaJunta Tribune-Democrat).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind.