Groups once united for what was known as Referendem C unite again to oppose proposed state-wide ballot initiatives 60, 61, and 101 (Colorado Springs Business Journal*).
In Colorado Springs, two area schools are in "precautionary" lockdown (KOAA, KRDO, KKTV). The Business Journal looks at Poudre Valley Hospital in Ft. Collins as a potential model for Memorial Health System*. Area organizers prepare to make a bid for the city as a site for the new mutli-stage bike race (Gazette).
In Pueblo, a new project aimed at improving Fountain Creek gets started Monday (Chieftain). Seventeen businesses apply for medical marijuana licenses in the county (Chieftain). And at CSU-Pueblo, the Chieftain reports President Joe Garcia prepares to resign his post in order to focus on the race for Lt. Governor, and enrollment is up.
In Trinidad, City Council has approved the purchase of a golf clubhouse (Times-Independent). The Times-Independent also reports that Las Animas County has voted to ban medical marijuana operations in unincorporated areas in the county.
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.