In Colorado Springs, the city clerk says candidates should return corporate contributions (Gazette, KKTV). Area school districts react to proposed cuts in the state budget (Gazette). The National Trust for Historic Preservation recognizes the city in its annual list of "Dozen Distinctive Destinations" (Gazette).
The Pueblo Board of Water Works leases water for an additional $500,000 in revenue (Chieftain). County Commissioners approve three wind turbines at a rural home (Chieftain). The Chieftain takes a look at what's next for the city's police chief, who has stepped down.
Otero County Commissioners vote to issue a letter in support of rescinding a waiver that would allow expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (LaJunta Tribune-Democrat). The Florence-Penrose school district names its new superintendent (Canon City Daily Record). The Canon City School District sets financial priorities (Daily Record).
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