More than 80,000 Coloradans would be affected if unemployment benefits expire (Denver Post). Environmental groups oppose a proposed water pipeline from Colorado to Wyoming (Denver Post). Colorado loses again in the "Race to the Top" educational grant awards (Denver Post). Foreclosure filings across the state drop in November (Denver Business Journal). Colorado's health exchange board gets the go ahead to apply for a federal grant (Denver Business Journal). Colorado moves forward on Olympic 2022 exploratory committee (Denver Post).
In Colorado Springs, city council overrides most of the mayor's budget vetoes (Gazette, KRDO, KXRM) and denies a freeze on pay increases for city employees (KRDO). Downtown makes an appearance in a national commercial (Gazette). The Economic Development Corp and Chamber of Commerce agree to a merger (Gazette, Colorado Springs Business Journal).
El Paso County Commissioners deny proposed changes to Woodmen Hills district (Gazette). Commissioners also pass a resolution responding to the National Defense Authorization Act (Gazette, KRDO) and break ground on a new shooting range (KRDO).
Raton prepares for city elections (Raton Range).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.