Applications are due tomorrow for state money to help with wildfire mitigation projects. As KRCC’s Andrea Chalfin reports, there are other goals for the grant program as well.
Colorado’s Department of Natural Resources has nearly $10 million to give away in matching funds to projects aimed at reducing wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface. Proposals can include creating defensible space and fuels reduction. Assistant Director of the Department Lisa Dale says another goal of the program is to research how effective treatments are.
“We’re really interested in knowing if what we’re doing is working. It’s such a big problem, and we’ll never have enough money, so we need to be strategic and focused in the way we address it. We want to make sure that we’re learning as we go.”
Eligible applicants include homeowners’ associations and local governments. They’ll need to provide 100% in matching funds, cash or in-kind. Applicants also need to indicate what they plan to do with the resulting biomass. Awards are expected by mid-August, and there will be another round next year.
For more information on the grants, click here.