Light snow likely over the plains & foothills tonight with near freezing temps. Cover your plants! #cowx pic.twitter.com/xT1S1teBm1
Snow? In September? Wasn't Labor Day just last week?
"Most locations can expect just a light dusting of snow on grassy surfaces," the National Weather Service says. "But there is potential for a few places to have a couple inches of wet snow. This is the most likely in areas near the northern Colorado border and in the northeast corner of Colorado."
Lows could hit 35 in metro Denver as rain will mix with and then change to snow overnight. Tomorrow there’s a chance for rain and snow in the morning with highs near 50 in Denver, then becoming sunny.
Snow already hit our neighbors to the north in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Near an inch of snow at Rapid City. This is the earliest recorded snowfall going back to 1888. #sdwx pic.twitter.com/xUetPL4tQY