Activist, author, co-editor of the influential blog BoingBoing.net, contributor to The Guardian, The New York Times, and many other publications, Cory Doctorow is one of the essential voices of the twenty-first century. The author of numerous books, including Information Doesn't Want To Be Free, a book about earning a living in the Internet age, he’s also the author of the young adult novel Little Brother and its sequel, Homeland, both of which explore civil liberties and social activism in the age of the internet. Doctorow will discuss technology, creativity, the internet, and his advocacy work tomorrow night in the Gates Common Room on third floor of Palmer Hall on the Colorado College Campus at 7:30 p.m. KRCC’s Noel Black spoke with Doctorow via phone.
Click HERE for complete information.
Tune in to KRCC or KRCC.org on Friday, March 27 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 28 at 4 p.m. to hear a longer version of this interview.