Colorado Springs Moves To OK Construction Defects Ordinance

The Colorado Springs City Council signaled its support for a construction defects ordinance on Tuesday.

The Council voted unanimously for the law that supporters say would boost condo construction in the city, The Gazette reports.

The law requires a majority of homeowners association members to agree to a construction defects lawsuit before the HOA files one, and it gives both sides an opportunity to resolve any issues before litigation commences. If one homeowner wants to file a lawsuit, he or she still can.

Homeowner associations generally oppose such measures, saying they hurt homeowners' ability to hold contractors accountable for shoddy construction.

The law is up for a final vote on Dec. 8. Denver's City Council approved a similar measure earlier this week. About 10 cities in the state have passed laws reforming construction defect litigation since the state Legislature failed to pass its own this spring, the Gazette reports.