Updated at 12:30 p.m. ET.
President Trump attacked Brett Kavanaugh's second accuser Tuesday, saying she "has nothing" and was "totally inebriated and all messed up" during a college party at which she said Kavanaugh exposed himself to her.
Trump, at a photo op during his visit to the United Nations, said the accusations were part of a "con game being played by Democrats."
A woman who was a student at Yale with Kavanaugh, Deborah Ramirez, told The New Yorker that Kavanaugh exposed himself during a party the two attended there.
Mocking her account, Trump said, "She said, 'Well, it might not be him, and there were gaps,' and she said she was totally inebriated and she was all messed up and she doesn't know it was him, but it might have been him."
Trump continued, "Oh gee, let's not make him a Supreme Court judge because of that."
Trump then repeated his charge that Democrats were playing a con game, spelling "C-O-N" for emphasis.
Kavanaugh has denied Ramirez's allegation, as he has with the charge by Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh groped her and tried to forcibly remove her clothes during a drunken party when they were in high school in the early 1980s.
Trump's message was in conflict with his press secretary's statements made hours earlier.
Appearing Tuesday morning on ABC's Good Morning America, White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders, when asked whether the White House would welcome Ramirez's testimony, responded, "Certainly, we would be open to that." Sanders added, "The president has been clear: Let them (the women accusing Kavanaugh of misconduct) speak."
Ford and Kavanaugh are scheduled to testify at the Thursday hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, but negotiations continue between Ford's attorneys and the panel over conditions.
In a letter to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, obtained by NPR, Ford lawyer Michael R. Bromwich criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., saying McConnell "dismissed Dr. Ford's experience as a 'smear campaign,' claiming mistakenly that the witnesses' statements to the Committee constitute 'a complete lack of evidence,' implying that
there has been a thorough investigation."
McConnell spoke on the Senate floor Monday afternoon.
Bromwich also questioned the committee's apparent intention to use an attorney to question Ford on Thursday, rather than the senators on the panel.
"This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate. Neither Dr. Blasey Ford nor Judge Kavanaugh is on trial. The goal should be to develop the relevant facts, not try a case."
The committee has yet to identify who will conduct the questioning of Ford but finds itself in an awkward position because all of the GOP members of the panel are men.