The Colorado Rapids are cancelling the post-game fireworks display on Saturday because of, well, plague-infested fleas.
The change of plans comes at the recommendation of health officials at Commerce City and the Tri-County Health Department, according to a Rapids press release.
The fleas are hopping around and infesting prairie dog communities in the areas surrounding the arena. And yes, "plague" can mean Bubonic plague, among other less infamous strains.
So, crucially, it must be noted that the plague is not a death sentence anymore. We have antibiotics now! It is still deeply unpleasant, however, which is why the Rapids are taking the necessary steps to keep soccer fans safe.
The stadium itself is considered safe and will remain open for games, including the one on Saturday.
In addition to cancelling the post-game fireworks, the Rapids are also restricting parking to asphalt lots. All dirt lots will be closed.
The lot closures will last until health officials conclude the area is safe.