Colorado’s system for paying out additional pandemic unemployment is up and running, state officials said Friday. Payments began Friday and people who filed should begin receiving checks soon, according to a statement from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment.
The system for proving eligibility for the $300 authorized by the federal government, known as Lost Wages Assistance, was plagued with technical issues after its launch. People reported long delays, glitches and notices saying to call back in November for help.
More than 58,000 people have already been approved for the aid, according to the statement, and 300,000 or more Coloradans could be eligible.
People who already had to prove their unemployment was pandemic-linked through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program earlier this year do not need to file for eligibility, but all others do. People can receive up to six weeks of benefits, if they were unemployed between July 26 and Sept. 5. Officials said payments for the first three weeks covered have already gone out, and payments for the second three weeks will go out starting Sept. 25.
Editor's note: This story has been updated to clarify who has to certify in order to receive the additional unemployment assistance.