TABOR checks began hitting mailboxes this month. Here’s how to track yours

All TABOR checks were supposed to arrive by October, 2022. Here's what to do if you haven't yet received yours.

TABOR refund checks started slowly trickling into Coloradans’ mailboxes earlier this month.

If you’re in the same boat as this reporter, you might be feeling major FOMO as you watch partners, friends, family, co-workers, your barista, the UPS guy, frenemies … receive their $750 while your mailbox remains empty – besides the cobwebs and coupons taking up residence. 

The state is adamant checks will arrive, eventually even though it may take until the end of next month. After all, an estimated 3.7 million Coloradans are eligible. That’s 3.7 million checks to print and send – yes they are actually printing real checks and sending via good ole U.S. postal service – since refunds aren’t available via direct deposit. 

So far, over half of the checks have been cashed, according to state officials. Those who have yet to receive the refund can check its status in two ways.

Eligible Coloradans can call 303-951-4996 or visit