You can now visit the Santa Fe Trail from the comfort of your home

Courtesy Canyons & Plains
The byway follows nearly 200 miles of the old trade route through southeast Colorado from Kansas to New Mexico at Raton Pass.

Folks from all over the world can visit the Santa Fe Trail National and State Scenic Byway virtually. 

The byway follows nearly 200 miles of the old trade route through southeast Colorado from the Kansas border east of Holly to the New Mexico Border at Raton Pass. 

The virtual visits are the work of a nonprofit called Canyons & Plains which works to preserve and promote culture and natural resources in the region. The organization used state tourism funds to build the site within its website which includes a history section and travel tips. 

“This new web presence fills a gap in on-line information for both residents and visitors planning a trip along southeast Colorado’s Santa Fe Trail National & State Scenic Byway,” said Rick Wallner, C&P Board President in a news release. “We hope this resource will encourage people in the region to explore the history in their own backyards, as well as provide a reason for travelers to spend more time in our corner of the state.”

Using an app called Explore from the company Factor Earth, visitors can also go on virtual adventures that include 360-degree images and information about the byway. 

Canyons & Plains has made similar experiences available for Camp Amache, Fort Lyons, Bent's Old Fort and the Boggsville Historic site.