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June 10, 2021: Sharing Space With Wildlife; Democrats Seek TABOR Workaround
- Segment 2 | 4:39
Water Water Everywhere…Except In Fountain
- Segment 3 | 7:09
State Democrats Make Plans Using TABOR Workarounds
- Segment 4 | 15:24
Making The Climb: New Film ‘Black Ice’ Opens Windows, Doors
- Segment 5 | 2:42
Towns Earn Dark Sky Designations
In Colorado, wildlife is part of the beauty of the place -- but there’s tension as urban areas grow. Then, yhe city of Fountain doesn’t have enough water. Plus, young climbers in the new film “Black Ice.” And, the state’s ambitious spending plans could be limited by the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. Also, Colorado’s newest International Dark Sky communities.