The closing of a prison can be a big blow to a town. But when a prison closed in rural southeastern Colorado, the state got creative and turned it into a drug-treatment center for people who are homeless. Then, after months of discussion and prayer, Denver Community Church has changed its position and is now embracing LGBTQ members. The lead pastor made the announcement and then apologized to the gay community. And, people with traumatic brain injuries joined students from Colorado Colege to take part in a series of dance workshops. The idea is to help improve mobility and form social connections. Plus, how repealing and replacing the ACA might affect Coloradans.
- Colorado's Fort Lyon Treats Addicts In "The Middle Of Nowhere." Does It Work?
- Denver Evangelical Church Is Now LGBTQ Inclusive After Months Of Discussion, Prayer
- What Happens When People With Brain Injuries And Colorado College Students Dance Together
- 9 Numbers To Know About The Colorado Impact Of The Affordable Care Act