This is a week of transition at the state legislature. Lawmakers are wrapping up their work on next year's state budget. Many of the session's highest profile proposals, like the gun control bills, civil unions, and ASSET, have either become law or, like the death penalty repeal, failed in the attempt.
With only a month left before they adjourn, several big bills are emerging that could dominate debate in the final days. Colorado Matters' host Ryan Warner talks with CPR's Megan Verlee about a few of them, including a new push to raise the renewable energy requirement for rural utilities.
Find more of our state government coverage at our blog, Check & Balance.
Bills mentioned in this week's debrief:
SB13-226 - Create Dog Protection Act
SB13-250 - Drug Sentencing Changes
SB13-252 - Renewable Energy Standard Retail Wholesale Methane
[Photo Credit: MVerlee/CPR]