8:40 PM
The Sheriff's office has updated its home assessment. The current numbers as of 6 PM Tuesday are 509 total loss, 28 partial damage, 3656 appear unaffected. Assessments continue.
7:50 PM
Sheriff Maketa downgrades two new areas of Mandatory Evacuation to Pre-Evacuation Status. Beginning at 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, the following roads south of Shoup Rd. between Milam Road and Holmes Road are now on pre-evacuation status and residents can go home.
Donavan Lane
Casey Lane
Glenridge Lane
Addresses on the south side of Shoup Road between Milam Road and Holmes Road
Resident must access the area through Milam Road to Shoup Road.
Clair Lane has also been downgraded to pre-evacuation status. Residents can return home via Black Forest Road to Shoup Road.
Residents trying to reenter will need to show their driver’s license or vehicle registration. Residents are encouraged to leave heavy equipment alone. Please do not remove the flags on your property. Those are a signal to first responders the area has been cleared for reentry.
4:00 PM
El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa has released the names of the two people who died in the Black Forest Fire:
The Black Forest Fire has been the most devastating in Colorado history. In addition to more than 500 homes destroyed, two people lost their lives. Through a cooperative effort between Forensic Odontologist Dr. Joe Gentile and El Paso County Coroner Dr. Robert Bux and his staff, identity of the victims’ who lost their lives has been made. They are 52 year old Marc Allen Herklotz and his wife, 50 year old Robin Lauran Herklotz of 6720 Jicarilla Drive in Black Forest. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family and friends they leave behind.
Sheriff Maketa will open the area north of Shoup Rd. and east of Black Forest Rd. to residents only at 4pm. Residents will only be able to stay for three hours from 4pm-7pm. Residents will be required to leave at 7pm. The Sheriff hopes to reopen the area permanently within the next two days.
Residents need to enter at one of the following checkpoints:
Shoup Rd. and Black Forest Rd.
Black Forest Rd. and Connaught Dr.
Vollmer Rd. and Shoup Rd.
Vollmer Rd. and Kirk Dr.
Residents will receive a reentry packet and a placard for your car at the checkpoints. Residents reentering will need to show their driver’s license, I.D. or vehicle registration. No trailers or R.V.’s will be permitted. Residents are required to leave heavy equipment alone. Please do not remove the flags on your property. Those are a signal to first responders the area has been cleared for reentry.
Noon press conference audio:
85% contained, Cost-to-date is just over $7 million. Two additional burglaries reported (for a total of six.)
Information from Black Hills Energy regarding natural gas.
9:10 AM
New areas are being downgraded from mandatory evacuation to pre-evacuation status as of 11 AM.
All areas east of Vollmer Rd. and north of Burgess Rd. will be allowed back into their homes 11am today (6-18-13) and downgraded to pre-evacuation status. Residents may access the area through the following roads:
Walker Rd
Murphy Rd
Hodgen Rd
Latigo Blvd
Vollmer Rd
Raygor Rd
Meridian Rd.
Residents reentering will need to show their driver’s license, I.D. or registration and are encouraged to leave heavy equipment alone. Please do not remove the flags on your property. Those are a signal to first responders the area has been cleared for reentry.
A “Reentry Supplies and First Aid Station” will be available to assist and support residents in the Black Forest burned areas. The supplies station will open today at 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. in the School in the Woods located at 12002 Vollmer Road, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Supplies Available (until supplies last):
Cleanup supplies, such as shovels gloves and N95 masks.
Basic first aid supplies.
Red Cross will be available with snacks, bottled water, Gatorade, and cleanup kits.
Public Health staff will be available for technical advice for residents who are reentering and have concerns with well water and/or septic systems.
Call the Disaster Assistance Center (DAC) at 444-8301 to get additional information on assistance services provided.
8:00 AM
The fire remains 75% contained, with 14,280 acres burned. Total cost to-date is $5.5 million.
Updated home assessment as of 8PM last night: lost 502, partial damage 18, appears unaffected 3651. Information is subject to change as assessments continue.
El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa released a statement last night about the increase in homes listed as destroyed, saying the assessments are ongoing. The full statement:
During the assessment of the homes in the Black Forest area affected by the fire, we were not able to accurately assess a particular area due to multiple parcels and property lines, as well as an active fire in the area. To rectify this issue we worked with the El Paso County Assessor’s Office to assist us with accurately identifying these homes. During this assessment, we identified additional structures that are considered to be a total loss. Therefore, the total number of homes considered a total loss has increased from 483 to 502.
At this time we are not complete with our assessment but hope to finish the assessment by the close of business tomorrow. It is anticipated we will identify additional homes considered to be a total loss and the number of homes destroyed by the Black Forest Fire will increase.
Most recent evacuation downgrades:
More mandatory evacuation areas were downgraded to pre-evacuation status last night. The following roads north of Shoup Rd. and west of Tahosa Ln. are now open. Tahosa Lane is not open as a part of these downgrades.
Abert Way
Kaibab Ct.
Oak Chief Way
Briddle Bit Rd.
Morris Trail
Kakatosi Ln.
West of Tahosa Ln. to Kakatosi Ln.
Residents trying to reenter will need to show their driver’s license or registration. Residents are encouraged to leave heavy equipment alone. Please do not remove the flags on your property. Those are a signal to first responders the area has been cleared for reentry.
Spoiled food dumpsters are located at the North Black Forest Fire Station on the turnout at Ridge Run Road and at the Southeast corner of Burgess, and the El Paso County Slash and Mulch Site on Herring Road. Approved potable water source is at the Black Forest Water Distribution Center located at Black Forest and Burgess Roads.
AspenPointe is providing counseling services to those affected by the fire. The AspenPointe call center (572-6100) is open 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Callers who need assistance between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. can call the crisis hotline: 635-7000. The organization is exploring options for placing personnel in areas closer to the burn area.
The Disaster Assistance Center is open from 8-6 at the county’s Citizen Service Center off Garden of the Gods Road.
Tipline for information regarding the origin of the fire: (719) 444-8300
Want to volunteer? Email [email protected] with a specific area of interest for volunteering in the subject line.
World Arena in Colorado Springs is now a dropoff center for Care and Share. Care and Share is currently asking for unopened, non-perishable food items and snack items like canned tuna, peanut butter, protein bars and boxed meals.
For those returning to their homes, the El Paso County Health Department has this page set up for safe cleanup information. They advise residents to contact their insurance companies before starting any cleanup efforts.